Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why Americans Don't Get It When It Comes To Being Fair and Less Racist

Racial hatred has destroyed the potential for a better America because there is no respect for African Americans as an equal ethnic group. In “Causes of Prejudice” by Vincent N. Parillo, he states that:

“Different problems are introduced by another way in which the use of the term racism has been expanded over the years. Increasingly, discourse on racism has stressed its institutional nature rather than simply the attitude of the individuals.”

This kind of racial animosity, which is institutional in nature on the part of whites in America, is caused by a supremacist ideology that is deeply ingrained in the minds of many white people in this country. This type of ethnic glorification is almost like a religion because it is practiced in every facet of American life. In the churches, Jesus is portrayed as white and it can be assumed by virtue of this fact that anyone who is not white is unworthy of equality because they are different. A person being of another race, other than Caucasian, is the stimulus for widespread discrimination and separation. This is documented in the article entitled “Thoughts about Restitution” by Randall Robinson. He discusses the historical reasons behind racism on page 563 by starting with Abraham Lincoln when he wrote:

“…Lincoln had invited a group of free blacks to the White House in August 1862 and told them: “Your race suffers greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason why we should be separated.”

Judging by this historical account, it is evident that equality was never considered the goal in this nation. The objective appears to be one of separation.

Abraham Lincoln is implying that white people were uncomfortable living around people whom they had enslaved and the racism that whites showed towards blacks was evidence of their need to be kept apart. Therefore, the highest office in this country had endorsed institutional racism and this blatant disrespect against people of color has its beginning when freedom was an option for Black people. This form of institutional racism kept blacks living in a state of fear, instability, and anger. There is rarely a moment of communication because talk has been ineffective when discussing equality between the races. Whites had control of the power through Black Codes that were similar to the Slave Codes before the Civil War and these codes are the foundation of the institutional racism that supports a widespread disrespect of Blacks today.

In the schools, many of the lessons being taught create stereotypes in the minds of Caucasians about the African Americans. They are labeled as lazy, primitive, and unclean. Some teachers mention major accomplishments in the world and these great strides in technology are attributed to whites. This is white supremacy being taught to students in an indirect manner and this signifies that people of other ethnic groups did not do anything that is noteworthy when it comes to the development of civilization.

Finally, in the workplace, whites control most of the businesses and they have made it clear that people of color will not be treated equally. Many class-action federal lawsuits document this fact and these legal actions appear to be the only way to communicate with an unjust culture. These unfair practices that invade the minds of many African Americans are causing racial tensions and this widespread disrespect will lead this country to ruin.

If African Americans mention the word racism, many white people get defensive. Some will claim to be fair-minded and nonracist. According to “Talking about Racism: How Our Dialogue Gets Short-Circuited,” by Paul L. Wachtel, he claims that the use of the word “racism” is causing a communications disconnect between the races because it is inaccurate when describing white people’s attitude. According to him, the use of the word “racism” causes people to ignore the problem when they don’t consider themselves to be racist. They don’t feel that they mistreat people of color and many of them are innocent of this complaint when it is used against them. He also points out that the word “racism” is used so much that it has lost most of its impact because it is applied to situations that aren’t racist in nature and it should be known as indifference. In other words, whites don’t care about others who aren’t like them. He theorizes that in order to create better communications between the races, we need to point out this insensitivity rather than calling them racists. This word, “racism,” can lead to a breakdown in communications.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a people who are insensitive to the needs of others are not fair-minded people, in the collective sense of the word. Plus, when insensitive people parade around the world claiming that they are fair to other cultures, as they do already, it should be pointed out that their ideology of fairness is based upon a lie. America has never been fair to people of color and history verifies that far too many Caucasians are uncomfortable around people who do not look like them. It doesn’t matter what words are used to describe the attitude of whites when it comes to racism or prejudice, in the final analysis, their lack of corrective actions to remedy a dreadful setup for people of color is wrong. Communication between the races for hundreds of years has not improved the racial climate in this nation. The attitude of racial supremacy has been constantly taught in schools, churches, and the workplace. The lack of guilt by many Caucasians is caused by a lack of a conscience when it comes to the needs of others. It appears to be imbedded in their white supremacy teachings. As long as they maintain this lack of caring and sharing, social disruptions are not only imminent, but also inevitable.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Kingdom of God

The Bible has been used by many hypocrites in this world and these satanic creatures in christian robes are about to get you destroyed. They will tell you that God will take care of you while you are being slowly poisoned to death. But what they won’t tell you is that the kingdom of God is within you. To destroy your temple of God (the human body) is to destroy God’s kingdom.

Luke 17:20-21 (Worldwide English (New Testament))

20 The Pharisees asked Jesus, `When will the kingdom of God come?' He answered them, `You cannot see the kingdom of God when it comes.

21 People will not be able to say, "Look, here it is!" or "There it is! That is because the kingdom of God is inside you.'

Therefore, the next time demonic forces tell you that you can eat anything as long as you pray over it, know that these ignoramuses are setting you up for an internal slaughter.

God didn’t say eat whatever you want as long as you pray over it and from my experience as a Doctor of Naturopathy, I have seen this form of nutritional ignorance displayed in too many religious people. Many of them come to see me in constant pain and agony and wonder why they feel so bad yet they profess to be worshipping God so hard. Some of my clients have even been ministers and the shocking thing is that they make the worse clients because they don‘t follow my professional advice. They feel as though God will protect them if they get sick but I’m here to tell them that God and nutritional ignorance don’t occupy the same space. If you drink sodas, and hormone-injected cow’s milk, then I can reasonably conclude that the spirit of the divine force hasn't been awakened within you. I can also surmise that your reasoning abilities (also known as indwelling intelligence) has taken a long nap. Once you have lost that reasoning power, you have lost God.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

For more information on diseaese causing junk foods, go to:


Is Junk Food Killing Us As A People?

I often wonder what has made people in this world so crazy? Many of them have gone mad and they feel that poisoning themselves with junk food is deemed acceptable. There is a serious brain drain behind this type of thinking and it's fueled by the mainstream media, movies, schools, and parents in general. Junk food ads are placed strategically in our daily life and it's everywhere you look these days. A perfect example of this subliminal seduction is in the movie G.I. Joe. If you can read between the massive killing spree and the awesome special effects, you will see that bubble gum provides the energy for the main star of the movie. In fact, the star of the movie has to share his last piece of bubble gum in one of the last battles and this makes him uncomfortable. Our children will pick up on this slick ad and guess what; bubble gum sales will increase. Why? Because it helps you win battles. At least that's the message I got when I saw that ridiculous scene. It's not new that advertisers are injecting junk food into movies because if you look closely, all movies have hidden messages for the gullible minds and our children's health will continue to grow worse when they are sucked in by these slick con artists in the motion picture industry. Rotten teeth, diabetes, and other ailments have a beginning and I'm here to say that it begins in the minds of our young people when they see heroes in movies use these harmful junk food items. Can we please put a stop to this?